Sunday, January 26, 2020

Pentium Memory Management Unit Computer Science Essay

Pentium Memory Management Unit Computer Science Essay The main aim of the research paper is to analyze Pentium Memory Management Unit. Here, certain key features associated with a memory management unit like segmentation, paging, their protection, cache associated with MMU in form of translation look aside buffer, how to optimize microprocessors performance after implementing those features etc. have been discussed. Some problems and their respective solutions related to Pentium memory management unit are also covered. Also, the current and future research work done in the field of memory management is covered too. The main challenge is to get accustomed with the Pentium memory management unit and analyze the crucial factors related. Introduction A hardware component liable in handling different accesses to memory requested by CPU is known as memory management unit (MMU), which is also termed as paged memory management unit (PMMU). The main functions of MMU can be categorized as follows:-[1] Translation of virtual addresses to physical addresses which is also known as virtual memory management (VMM). Memory protection Cache Control Bus Arbitration Bank switching The memory system for Pentium microprocessor is 4G bytes in size just as in 80386DX and 80486 microprocessors. Pentium uses a 64-bit data bus to address memory organized in eight banks that each contains 512M bytes of data. Most microprocessors including Pentium also supports virtual memory concept with the help of memory management unit. Virtual memory is used to manage the resource of physical memory. It gives an application the illusion of a very large amount of memory, typically much larger than what is actually available. It supports the execution of processes partially resident in memory. Only the most recently used portions of a processs address space actually occupy physical memory-the rest of the address space is stored on disk until needed. The Intel Pentium microprocessor supports both segmentation and segmentation with paging. Another important feature supported by Pentium processors is the memory protection. This mechanism helps in limiting access to certain segments or pages based on privilege levels and thus protect critical data if kept in a privilege level with highest priority from different attacks. Intels Pentium processor also supports cache, translation look aside buffers, (TLBs), and a store buffer for temporary on-chip (and external) storage of instructions and data. Another major issue resolved by MMU is the fragmentation of memory. Sometimes, the size of largest contiguous free memory is much smaller than the total available memory because of the fragmentation issue. With virtual memory, a contiguous range of virtual addresses can be mapped to several non-contiguous blocks of physical memory. [1] This research paper basically revolves around different functions associated with a memory management unit of Pentium processors. This includes features like virtual memory management, memory protection, and cache control and so on. Pentiums memory management unit has some problems associated with it and some benefits as well which will be covered in detail in the later part. The above mentioned features help in solving major performance issues and has given a boom to the microprocessor world. History In some early microprocessor designs, memory management was performed by a separate integrated circuit such as the VLSI VI475 or the Motorola 68851 used with the Motorola 68020 CPU in the Macintosh II or the Z8015 used with the Zilog Z80 family of processors. Later microprocessors such as the Motorola 68030 and the ZILOG Z280 placed the MMU together with the CPU on the same integrated circuit, as did the Intel 80286 and later x86 microprocessors. The first memory management unit came into existence with the release of 80286 microprocessor chip in 1982. For the first time, 80286 offered on-chip memory management which makes it suitable for multitasking operations. On many machines, cache access time limits the clock cycle rate and in turn it affects more than the average memory access time. Therefore, to achieve fast access times, fitting the cache on chip was very important and this on-chip memory management paved the way. The major functionalities associated with a memory management are segmentation and paging. Segmentation unit was found first and foremost on 8086 processor which had only one purpose of serving as a gateway for 1MB physical address space. To allow easy porting from old applications to the new environment, it was decided by Intel to keep the segmentation unit alive under protected-mode. Protected mode does not have fixed sized memory blocks in memory, but instead, the size and location of each segment is set in an associated data structure called a Segment Descriptor. All memory references are accessed relative to the base address of their corresponding segment so as to allow relocation of program modules fairly easy and also avoid operating system to perform code fix-ups when it loads applications into memory. [2] With paging enabled, the processor adds an extra level of indirection to the memory translation process. Instead of serving as a physical address, an application-generated address is used by the processor to index one of its look-up tables. The corresponding entry in the table contains the actual physical address which is sent to the processor address bus. Through the use of paging, operating systems can create distinct address spaces for each running application thus simplifying memory access and preventing potential conflicts. Virtual-memory allows applications to allocate more memory than is physically available. This is done by keeping memory pages partially in RAM and partially on disk. When a program tries to access an on-disk page, an  Exception  is generated and the operating system reloads the page to allow the faulting application resume its execution. [2] The Pentium 4 was Intels final endeavor in the realm of single-core CPUs. The Pentium 4 had an on-die cache memory of 8 to 16 KB. The Pentium 4 memory cache is a memory location on the CPU used to store instructions to be processed. The Pentium 4 on-die memory cache is an extremely fast memory location which stored and decoded instructions known as microcode that were about to be executed by the CPU. [3] By todays standards, the Pentium 4 cache size is very lacking in capacity. This lack of cache memory means the CPU must make more calls to RAM for operating instructions. These calls to RAM are performance reducing, as the latency involved in transferring data from RAM is much higher than from the on-die cache. Often overlooked, the cache size of any CPU is of vast importance to predicting the performance of a  computer  processor. While the Pentium 4s level one cache was very limited by todays standards, it was at the time of its release more than adequate for the majority of computer applications. [4] Likely Pentium Pros most noticeable addition was its on-package L2 cache, which ranged from 256 KB at introduction to 1 MB in 1997. Intel placed the L2 die(s) separately in the package which still allowed it to run at the same clock speed as the CPU core. Additionally, unlike most motherboard-based cache schemes that shared the main system bus with the CPU, the Pentium Pros cache had its own back-side bus. Because of this, the CPU could read main memory and cache concurrently, greatly reducing a traditional bottleneck. The cache was also non-blocking, meaning that the processor could issue more than one cache request at a time (up to 4), reducing cache-miss penalties. These properties combined to produce an L2 cache that was immensely faster than the motherboard-based caches of older processors. This cache alone gave the CPU an advantage in input/output performance over older x86 CPUs. In multiprocessor configurations, Pentium Pros integrated cache skyrocketed performance in comparis on to architectures which had each CPU sharing a central cache. [4]However, this far faster L2 cache did come with some complications. The processor and the cache were on separate dies in the same package and connected closely by a full-speed bus. The two or three dies had to be bonded together early in the production process, before testing was possible. This meant that a single, tiny flaw in either die made it necessary to discard the entire assembly. [5] Technical Aspects of Pentiums Memory Management Unit Virtual Memory Management in Pentium The memory management unit in Pentium is upward compatible with the 80386 and 80486 microprocessors. The linear address space for Pentium microprocessor is 4G bytes that means from 0 to (232 1). MMU translates the Virtual Address to Physical address in less than a single clock cycle for a HIT and also it minimizes the cache fetch time for a MISS. CPU generates logical address which are given to segmentation unit which produces linear address which are then given to paging unit and thus paging unit generates physical address in main memory. Hence, paging and segmentation units are sub forms of MMUs. Figure 3.1 Logical to Physical Address Translation in Pentium Pentium can run in both modes i.e. real or protected. Real mode does not allow multi-tasking as there is no protection for one process to interfere with another whereas in protected mode, each process runs in a separate code segment. Segments have different privilege levels preventing the lower privilege process (such as an application) to run a higher privilege one (e.g. Operating system). Pentium running in Protected mode supports both segmentation and segmentation with paging. Segmentation: Pentium This process helps in dividing programs into logical blocks and then placing them in different memory areas. This makes it possible to regulate access to critical sections of the application and help identify bugs during the development process. It includes several features like to define the exact location and size of each segment in memory and set a specific privilege level to a segment which protects its content from unauthorized access. [6] Segment registers are now called  segment selectors  because they do not map directly to a physical address but point to an entry of the descriptor table. Pentium CPU has six 16 bit segment registers called SELECTORS. The logical address consists of 16 bit of segment size and 32 bit offset. The below figure shows a multi-segment model which uses the full capabilities of the segmentation mechanism to provide hardware enforced protection of code, data structures, and programs and tasks. This is supported by IA-32 architecture. Here, each program is given its own table of segment descriptors and its own segments. Figure Multi-Dimensional Model When the processor needs to translate a memory location SEGMENT: OFFSET to its corresponding physical address à Ã¢â‚¬  , it takes the following steps: [7] Step 1: Find the start of the descriptor table (GDTR register) The below figure shows CPU selectors provide index (pointer) to Segment Descriptors stored in RAM in the form of memory structures called Descriptor Tables. Then, that address is combined with the offset to locate a specific linear address. Figure Selector to Descriptor and then to finally linear address in Pentium MMU Step 2: Find the Segment  entry of the table; this is the segment descriptor corresponding to the segment. There are two types of Descriptor tables: Global Descriptor Table and Local Descriptor table. Global Descriptor Table: It consists of segment definitions that apply to all programs like the code belonging to operating system segments created by OS before CPU switched to protected mode. Local Descriptor Table: These tables are unique to an application. This figure finds the entry of the segment table and then a segment descriptor is chosen corresponding to the segment. [7] Figure Global and Local Descriptor Table Pentium has a 32 bit base address which allows segments to begin at any location in its 4G bytes of memory. The below figure shows the format of a descriptor of a Pentium processor: [7] Figure Pentium Descriptor Format Step 3: Find the base physical address à Ã‹â€  of the segment Step 4: Compute à Ã¢â‚¬   = à Ã‹â€  + OFFSET [7] Paging Unit Paging is an address translation from linear to physical address. The linear address is divided into fixed length pages and similarly the physical address space is divided into same fixed length frames. Within their respective address spaces pages and frames are numbered sequentially. The pages that have no frames assigned to them are stored on the disk. When the CPU needs to run the code on any non-assigned page, it generates a page fault exception, upon which the operating system reassigns a currently non-used frame to that page and copies the code from that page on the disk to the newly assigned RAM frame. [9] Pentium MMU uses the two-level page table to translate a virtual address to a physical address. The page directory contains 1024 32-bit page directory entries (PDEs), each of which points to one of 1024 level-2 page tables. Each page table contains 1024 32-bit page table entries (PTEs), each of which points to a page in physical memory or on disk. The page directory base register (PDBR) points to the beginning of the page directory. Figure Pentium multi-level page table [8] For 4KB pages, Pentium uses a two level paging scheme in which division of the 32 bit linear address as: Figure Division of 32 bit linear address The below figure shows the complete address translation process in Pentium i.e. from CPUs virtual address to main memorys physical address. Figure Summary of Pentium address translation [8] The size of a paging table is dynamic and can become large in a system that contains large memory. In Pentium, due to the 4M byte paging feature, there is just a single page directory and no page tables. Basically, this mechanism helps operating system to create VIRTUAL (faked) address space by swapping code between disk and RAM. This procedure is known as virtual memory support. [9] The paging mechanism in Pentium functions with 4K byte memory pages or with a new extension available to the Pentium with 4M byte memory pages. The 20-bit VPN is partitioned into two 10-bit chunks. VPN1 indexes a PDE in the page directory pointed at by the PDBR. The address in the PDE points to the base of some page table that is indexed by VPN2. The PPN in the PTE indexed by VPN2 is concatenated with the VPO to form the physical address. [8] Figure Pentium Page table Translation [8] Segmentation with Paging: Pentium Pentium supports both pure segmentation and segmentation with paging. To select a segment, program loads a selector for that segment into one of six segment registers. For e.g. CS register is a selector for code segment and DS register is a selector for data segment. Selector can specify whether segment table is Local to the process or Global to the machine. Format of a selector used in Pentium is as follows: C:Bb4JPGfoo4-43.jpg Figure Selector Format The steps required to achieve this methodology are as follows:- Step 1: Use the Selector to convert the 32 bit virtual offset address to a 32 bit linear address. Step 2: Convert the 32 bit linear address to a physical address using a two-stage page table. Figure mapping of a linear address onto a physical address [9] The below figures shows the complete process of segmentation along with paging which is one of the important functionalities of Pentiums memory management unit. [9] Figure Segmentation with paging Some modern processors allow usage of both, segmentation and paging alone or in a combination (Motorola 8030 and later, Intel 80386, 80486, and Pentium) the OS designers have a choice which is cgiven in the below table. [9] Segmentation Paging No No Small (embedded) systems, low overhead, high performance No Yes Linear address space BSD UNIX, Windows NT Yes No Better controlled protection and sharing. ST can be kept on chip predictable access times (Intel 8086) Yes Yes Controlled protection/sharing Better memory management. UNIX Sys. V, OS/2. Figure Usage of segmentation and paging in different processors Intel 80386, 486 and Pentium support the following MM scheme which is used in IBM OS/2. The diagram is shown below: Figure Intels Memory Management scheme implemented in IBM OS/2 3.1.4 Optimizing Address Translation in Pentium processors The main goal of memory management for address translation is to have all translations in less than a single clock cycle for a HIT and minimize cache fetch time for a MISS. On page fault, the page must be fetched from disk and it takes millions of clock cycles which are handled by OS code. To minimize page fault rate, two methods used are:- 1. Smart replacement algorithms: To reduce page fault rate, the most preferred replacement algorithm is least-recently used (LRU). In this, a reference bit is set to 1 in page table entry to each page and is periodically cleared to 0 by OS. A page with reference bit equal to 0 has not been used recently. [10] 2. Fast translation using Translation Look aside Buffer: Address translation would appear to require extra memory references i.e. one to access the Page table entry and then the other for actual memory access. But access to page tables has good locality and thus use a fast cache of PTEs within the CPU called a Translation Look-aside Buffer (TLB) where the typical rate in Pentium is 16-512 PTEs, 0.5-1 cycle for hit, 10-100 cycles for miss, 0.01%-1% miss rate. [11] Page size 4KB -64 KB Hit Time 50-100 CPU clock cycles Miss Penalty Access time Transfer time 106 107 clock cycles 0.8 x 106 -0.8 x 107 clock cycles 0.2 x 106 -0.2 x 107 clock cycles Miss rate 0.00001% 0.001% Virtual address space size GB -16 x 1018 byte Figure TLB rates Using the below mentioned two methods, TLB misses are handled (hardware or software) The page is in memory, but its physical address is missing. A new TLB entry must be created. The page is not in memory and the control is transferred to the operating system to deal with a page fault where it is handled by causing exception (interrupt): using EPC and Cause register. There are two ways of handling them:- Instruction page fault: Store the state of the process Look up the page table to find the disk address of the referenced page Choose a physical page to replace Start a read from disk for the referenced page Execute another process until the read completes Restart the instruction which caused the fault [12] Data access page fault: Occurs in the middle of an instruction. MIPS instructions are restartable: prevent the instruction from completing and restart it from the beginning. More complex machines: interrupting instructions (saving the state of CPU) 3. The other method used to reduce the HIT time is to avoid address translation during indexing. The CPU uses virtual addresses that must be mapped to a physical address. A cache that indexes by virtual addresses is called a virtual cache, as opposed to a physical cache. A virtual cache reduces hit time since a translation from a virtual address to a physical address is not necessary on hits. Also, address translation can be done in parallel with cache access, so penalties for misses are reduced as well. Although some difficulties are associated with Virtual cache technique i.e. process switches require cache purging. In virtual caches, different processes share the same virtual addresses even though they map to different physical addresses. When a process is swapped out, the cache must be purged of all entries to make sure that the new process gets the correct data. [13] Different solutions to overcome this problem are:- PID tags: Increase the width of the cache address tags to include a process ID (instead of purging the cache.) The current process PID is specified by a register. If the PID does not match, it is not a hit even if the address matches. Anti-aliasing hardware: A hardware solution called anti-aliasing guarantees every cache block a unique physical address. Every virtual address maps to the same location in the cache. Page coloring: This software technique forces aliases to share some address bits. Therefore, the virtual address and physical address match over these bits. Using the page offset: An alternative to get the best of both virtual and physical caches. If we use the page offset to index the cache, then we can overlap the virtual address translation process with the time required to read the tags. Note that the page offset is unaffected by address translation. However, this restriction forces the cache size to be smaller than the page size. Pipelined cache access: Another method to improve cache is to divide cache access into stages. This will lead to the following result: Pentium: 1 clock cycle per hit Pentium II and III: 2 clock cycles per hit Pentium 4: 4 clock cycles per hit It helps in allowing faster clock, while still producing one cache hit per clock. But the problem is that it has higher branch penalty, higher load delay. [13] Trace caches: A trace cache is a specialized instruction cache containing instruction traces; that is, sequences of instructions that are likely to be executed. It is found on Pentium 4 (NetBurst microarchitecture). It is used instead of conventional instruction cache. Cache blocks contain micro-operations, rather than raw memory and contain branches and continue at branch target, thus incorporating branch prediction. Cache hit requires correct branch prediction. The major advantage is that it makes sure instructions are available to supply the pipeline, by avoiding cache misses that result from branches and the disadvantage is that the cache may hold the same instruction several times and it has more complex control. [13] System Memory Management Mode The system memory management mode (SMM) is on the same level as protected mode, real mode and virtual mode, but it is provided to function as a manager. The SMM is not intended to be used as an application or a system level feature. It is intended for high-level system functions such as power management and security, which most Pentiums use during operation, but that are controlled by the operating system. Access to the SMM is accomplished via a new external hardware interrupt applied to the SMI# pin on the Pentium. When the SMM interrupt is activated, the processor begins executing system-level software in an area of memory called the system management RAM, or SMMRAM, called the SMM state dump record. The SMI# interrupt disables all other interrupts that are normally handled by user applications and the operating system. A return from the SMM interrupt is accomplished with a new instruction called RSM. RSM returns from the memory management mode interrupt and returns to the interrupted program at the point of the interruption. SMM allows the Pentium to treat the memory system as a flat 4G byte system, instead of being able to address the first 1M of memory. SMM helps in executing the software initially stored at a memory location 38000H. SMM also stores the state of the Pentium in what is called a dump record. The dump record is stored at memory locations 3FFA8H through 3FFFFH. The dump record allows a Pentium based system to enter a sleep mode and reactivate at the point of program interruption. This requires that the SMMRAM be powered during the sleep period. The Halt auto restart and I/O trap restarts are used when the SMM mode is exited by the RSM instruction. These data allow the RSM instruction to return to the halt state or return to the interrupt I/O instruction. If neither a halt nor an I/O operation is in effect upon entering the SMM mode, the RSM instruction reloads the state of the machine from the state dump and returns to the point of interruption. [14] Memory protection in Pentium In protected mode, the Intel 64 and IA-32 architectures provide a protection mechanism that operates at both the segment level and the page level. This protection mechanism provides the ability to limit access to certain segments or pages based on privilege levels. The Pentium 4 also supports four protection levels, with level 0 being the most privileged and level 3 the least. Segment and page protection is incorporated in localizing and detecting design problems and bugs. It can also be implemented into end-products to offer added robustness to operating systems, utilities software, and applications software. This protection mechanism is used to verify certain protection checks before actual memory cycle gets started such as Limit checks, type checks, privilege level checks, restriction of addressable domains and so on. The figure shows how these levels of privilege are interpreted as rings of protection. Here, the center (reserved for the most privileged code, data, and stacks) is used for the segments containing the critical software, usually the kernel of an operating system. Outer rings are used for less critical software. At each instant, a running program is at a certain level, indicated by a 2-bit field in its PSW (Program Status Word). Each segment also belongs to a certain level. Figure 3.3.1 Protection on Pentium II Memory protection implemented by associating protection bit with each frame valid-invalid bit attached to each entry in the page table: Valid indicates that the associated page is in the process logical address space, and is thus a legal page. Invalid indicates that the page is not in the process logical address space. As long as a program restricts itself to using segments at its own level, everything works fine. Attempts to access data at a higher level are permitted. Attempts to access data at a lower level are illegal and cause traps. 3.4 Cache in Pentium Processors Cache control is one of the most common techniques for improving performance in computer systems (both hardware and software) is to utilize caching for frequently accessed information. This lowers the average cost of accessing the information, providing greater performance for the overall system. This applies in processor design, and in the Intel Pentium 4 Processor architecture, caching is a critical component of the systems performance. The Pentium 4 Processor Architecture includes multiple types and levels of caching: Level 3 Cache This type of caching is only available on some versions of the Pentium 4 Processor (notably the Pentium 4 Xeon processors). This provides a large on-processor tertiary memory storage area that the processor uses for keeping information nearby. Thus, the contents of the Level 3 cache are faster to access. Level 2 Cache this type of cache is available in all versions of the Pentium 4 Processor. It is normally smaller than the Level 3 cache and is used for caching both data and code that is being used by the processor. Level 1 Cache this type of cache is used only for caching data. It is smaller than the Level 2 Cache and generally is used for the most frequently accessed information for the processor. Trace Cache this type of cache is used only for caching decoded instructions. Specifically, the processor has already broken down the normal processor instructions into micro operations and it is these micro ops that are cached by the P4 in the Trace Cache. Translation Look aside Buffer (TLB) this type of cache is used for storing virtual-to-physical memory translation information. It is an associative cache and consists of an instruction TLB and data TLB. Store Buffer this type of cache is used for taking arbitrary write operations and caching them so they may be written back to memory without blocking the current processor operations. This decreases contention between the processor and other parts of the system that are accessing main memory. There are 24 entries in the Pentium 4. Write Combining Buffer this is similar to the Store Buffer, except that it is specifically optimized for burst write operations to a memory region. Thus, multiple write operations can be combined into a single write back operation. There are 6 entries in the Pentium 4. The disadvantage of caching is handling the situation when the original copy is modified, thus making the cached information incorrect (or stale). A significant amount of the work done within the processor is ensuring the consistency of the cache, both for physical memory as well as for the TLBs. In the Pentium 4, physical memory caching remains coherent because the processor uses the MESI protocol. MESI defines the state of each unique cached piece of memory, called a cache line. In the Pentium 4, a cache line is 64 bytes. Thus, with the MESI protocol, each cache line is in one of four states: Modified the cache line is owned by this processor and there are modifications to that cache line stored within the processor cache. No other part of the system may access the main memory for that cache line as this will obtain stale information. Exclusive the cache line is owned by this processor. No other part of the system may access the main memory for that cache line. Shared the cache line is owned by this processor. Other parts of the system may acquire shared access to the cache line and may read that particular cache line. None of the shared owners may modify the cache line. Invalid the cache line is in an indeterminate state for this processor. Other parts of the system may own this cache line, or it is possible that no other part of the system owns the cache line. This processor may not access the memory and it is not cached. [15] Current Problems and Solution associated with them When you run multiple programs (especially MS-DOS-based programs) on a Windows-based computer that has insufficient system memory (RAM) and contains an Intel Pentium Pro or Pentium II processor, information in memory may become unavailable or damaged, leading to unpredictable results. For example, copy and compare operations may not work consistently.   This behavior is an indirect result of certain performance optimizations in the Intel Pentium Pro and Pentium II processors. These optimizations affect how the Windows 95 Virtual Machine Manager (VMM) performs certain memory operations, such as determining which sections of memory are not in use and can be safely freed. As a result, the Virtual Machine Manager may free the wrong pages in memory, leading to the symptoms described earlier. This problem no longer occurs in Windows 98. To resolve this problem, install the current version of Windows. [16] There is a little problem with sharing in

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Deception Point Page 108

Exhausted, Tolland looked up at the underbelly of the thundering tilt-rotor airplane. Deafening gusts pounded down off its horizontal propellers. As Rachel rose on a cable, numerous sets of hands pulled her into the fuselage. As Tolland watched her dragged to safety, his eyes spotted a familiar man crouched half-naked in the doorway. Corky? Tolland's heart soared. You're alive! Immediately, the harness fell from the sky again. It landed ten feet away. Tolland wanted to swim for it, but he could already feel the sucking sensation of the plume. The relentless grip of the sea wrapped around him, refusing to let go. The current pulled him under. He fought toward the surface, but the exhaustion was overwhelming. You're a survivor, someone was saying. He kicked his legs, clawing toward the surface. When he broke through into the pounding wind, the harness was still out of reach. The current strained to drag him under. Looking up into the torrent of swirling wind and noise, Tolland saw Rachel. She was staring down, her eyes willing him up toward her. It took Tolland four powerful strokes to reach the harness. With his last ounce of strength, he slid his arm and head up into the loop and collapsed. All at once the ocean was falling away beneath him. Tolland looked down just as the gaping vortex opened. The megaplume had finally reached the surface. William Pickering stood on the bridge of the Goya and watched in dumbstruck awe as the spectacle unfolded all around him. Off the starboard of the Goya's stern, a huge basinlike depression was forming on the surface of the sea. The whirlpool was hundreds of yards across and expanding fast. The ocean spiraled into it, racing with an eerie smoothness over the lip. All around him now, a guttural moan reverberated out of the depths. Pickering's mind was blank as he watched the hole expanding toward him like the gaping mouth of some epic god hungry for sacrifice. I'm dreaming, Pickering thought. Suddenly, with an explosive hiss that shattered the windows of the Goya's bridge, a towering plume of steam erupted skyward out of the vortex. A colossal geyser climbed overhead, thundering, its apex disappearing into the darkened sky. Instantly, the funnel walls steepened, the perimeter expanding faster now, chewing across the ocean toward him. The stern of the Goya swung hard toward the expanding cavity. Pickering lost his balance and fell to his knees. Like a child before God, he gazed downward into the growing abyss. His final thoughts were for his daughter, Diana. He prayed she had not known fear like this when she died. The concussion wave from the escaping steam hurled the Osprey sideways. Tolland and Rachel held each other as the pilots recovered, banking low over the doomed Goya. Looking out, they could see William Pickering-the Quaker-kneeling in his black coat and tie at the upper railing of the doomed ship. As the stern fishtailed out over the brink of the massive twister, the anchor cable finally snapped. With its bow proudly in the air, the Goya slipped backward over the watery ledge, sucked down the steep spiraling wall of water. Her lights were still glowing as she disappeared beneath the sea. 131 The Washington morning was clear and crisp. A breeze sent eddies of leaves skittering around the base of the Washington Monument. The world's largest obelisk usually awoke to its own peaceful image in the reflecting pool, but today the morning brought with it a chaos of jostling reporters, all crowding around the monument's base in anticipation. Senator Sedgewick Sexton felt larger than Washington itself as he stepped from his limousine and strode like a lion toward the press area awaiting him at the base of the monument. He had invited the nation's ten largest media networks here and promised them the scandal of the decade. Nothing brings out the vultures like the smell of death, Sexton thought. In his hand, Sexton clutched the stack of white linen envelopes, each elegantly wax-embossed with his monogrammed seal. If information was power, then Sexton was carrying a nuclear warhead. He felt intoxicated as he approached the podium, pleased to see his improvised stage included two â€Å"fameframes†-large, free-standing partitions that flanked his podium like navy-blue curtains-an old Ronald Reagan trick to ensure he stood out against any backdrop. Sexton entered stage right, striding out from behind the partition like an actor out of the wings. The reporters quickly took their seats in the several rows of folding chairs facing his podium. To the east, the sun was just breaking over the Capitol dome, shooting rays of pink and gold down on Sexton like rays from heaven. A perfect day to become the most powerful man in the world. â€Å"Good morning, ladies and gentlemen,† Sexton said, laying the envelopes on the lectern before him. â€Å"I will make this as short and painless as possible. The information I am about to share with you is, frankly, quite disturbing. These envelopes contain proof of a deceit at the highest levels of government. I am ashamed to say that the President called me half an hour ago and begged me-yes, begged me-not to go public with this evidence.† He shook his head with dismay. â€Å"And yet, I am a man who believes in the truth. No matter how painful.† Sexton paused, holding up the envelopes, tempting the seated crowd. The reporters' eyes followed the envelopes back and forth, a pack of dogs salivating over some unknown delicacy. The President had called Sexton a half hour ago and explained everything. Herney had talked to Rachel, who was safely aboard a plane somewhere. Incredibly, it seemed the White House and NASA were innocent bystanders in this fiasco, a plot masterminded by William Pickering. Not that it matters, Sexton thought. Zach Herney is still going down hard. Sexton wished he could be a fly on the wall of the White House right now to see the President's face when he realized Sexton was going public. Sexton had agreed to meet Herney at the White House right now to discuss how best to tell the nation the truth about the meteorite. Herney was probably standing in front of a television at this very moment in dumbfounded shock, realizing that there was nothing the White House could do to stop the hand of fate. â€Å"My friends,† Sexton said, letting his eyes connect with the crowd. â€Å"I have weighed this heavily. I have considered honoring the President's desire to keep this data secret, but I must do what is in my heart.† Sexton sighed, hanging his head like a man trapped by history. â€Å"The truth is the truth. I will not presume to color your interpretation of these facts in any way. I will simply give you the data at face value.† In the distance, Sexton heard the beating of huge helicopter rotors. For a moment, he wondered if maybe the President were flying over from the White House in a panic, hoping to halt the press conference. That would be the icing on the cake, Sexton thought mirthfully. How guilty would Herney appear THEN? â€Å"I do not take pleasure in doing this,† Sexton continued, sensing his timing was perfect. â€Å"But I feel it is my duty to let the American people know they have been lied to.† The aircraft thundered in, touching down on the esplanade to their right. When Sexton glanced over, he was surprised to see it was not the presidential helicopter after all, but rather a large Osprey tilt-rotor airplane. The fuselage read: United States Coast Guard Baffled, Sexton watched as the cabin door opened and a woman emerged. She wore an orange Coast Guard parka and looked disheveled, like she'd been through a war. She strode toward the press area. For a moment, Sexton didn't recognize her. Then it hit him. Rachel? He gaped in shock. What the hell is SHE doing here? A murmur of confusion went through the crowd. Pasting a broad smile on his face, Sexton turned back to the press and raised an apologetic finger. â€Å"If you could give me just one minute? I'm terribly sorry.† He heaved the weary, good-natured sigh. â€Å"Family first.†

Friday, January 10, 2020

Comparison Between Beowulf the Epic and Beowulf the Film Essay

Contrast and Similarities between Beowulf and â€Å"Beowulf† Beowulf, an epic written down in the year 1060 by the Beowulf Poet, is the epitome of what true writing is, defining the standard of the epic itself. The more modern film of â€Å"Beowulf†, produced in 2007, is an attempt to do justice to the Beowulf Poet’s masterpiece. The poem and film have several key similarities and differences which influence the reader/viewer. Important similarities between the two include the heroic characteristics of Beowulf and the severing of Grendel’s arm; however, the movie does have some drastic differences from the text such as Beowulf’s seduction by Grendel’s mother, and how the product of this sin is his son the dragon, while in the text this beast is regarded as a rogue monster. Similarities between the text and the movie are established to stay true to the theme of Beowulf, a theme in which a hero conquers great odds and shows what the epitome of humanity can achieve; this theme is essential to the development of any true epic. The most prominent similarity between the two is the characteristics granted to Beowulf, the key trait being arrogance. Arrogance is an important trait of any epic hero, in the film this arrogance is established in Beowulf’s tale of swimming in the ocean during which he states he slew several sea monsters, however in the background his followers can be seen stating that the original number was much smaller than Beowulf has stated. This arrogance is mirrored in the text when Beowulf is proclaimed as â€Å"†¦the strongest of the Geats – greater and stronger than anyone anywhere in this world† (Beowulf Poet 110-111), while in truth it is unlikely that he was the greatest warrior of the time, making this a very boastful statement. This arrogance is again mirrored when Beowulf refuses to fight Grendel with any weapons or armor, in the film he simply strips before sleeping and in the text he states that â€Å"†¦My Lord Higlac might think less of me if I let my sword go where my feet were afraid to, if I hid behind some broad linden shield: my hands alone shall fight for me, struggle for life against the monster.† (Beowulf Poet 169-174). This arrogance is persevered in the film to demonstrate the characteristics of a hero. At the time heroes were people who had such a boastful attitude, thus the film writers made sure to impart this narcissism onto the viewer to show Beowulf’s strength of attitude. The film establishes a second similarity to the text by  illustrating Beowulf’s fight with Grendel. Beowulf is displayed grappling around with Grendel and eventually removing his arm, claiming it as a sign of â€Å"The Victory, for the proof, hanging high from the rafters where Beowulf had hung it, was the monster’s Arm, claw and shoulder and all† (Beowulf Poet 356-358). This â€Å"prize† is an important object that is established in both the text and the film to display both the epic struggle between Beowulf and once more show how strong Beowulf truly was, further establishing him as an epic hero. During the course of the film, there are some artistic liberties taken which change the plot from that of the text; these changes were made to display a more unified tale between that of the younger Beowulf and the older Beowulf. These differences begin immediately following the death of Grendel, coming to head when Beowulf confronts Grendel’s mother. In the text, Beowulf is seen to fight with Grendel’s mother until â€Å"Her body fell to the floor, lifeless, the sword was wet with her blood† (Beowulf 523-524). This is a drastic difference from the film, where Grendel’s Mother is shown seducing Beowulf promising him a long life and a successful reign if he gives her a son along with the golden horn he received for killing Grendel. This change was made to make a smooth transition between the two parts of the epic, the first concerning Grendel, the second concerning the dragon. It is at the end that the second change, and the product of the transition, is sh own. This product is the dragon, who is shown to be the son of Beowulf and Grendel’s Mother. This further differs from the text where Beowulf fights a â€Å"dragon hiding in his tower† (Beowulf 610) that has been terrorizing the country side, not his own offspring. These changes are made to make a connection between the two parts of the epic tale of Beowulf. In the text, the tales of the dragon and Grendel are completely unrelated thus may be viewed with some confusion by the reader. However, when the dragon is shown to be Beowulf’s son who comes back for revenge, the death of Beowulf is that much more conclusive showing him wrapping up the mistakes of his life and fully concluding his tale. The differences and similarities between Beowulf and â€Å"Beowulf† are precisely placed in order to retain what makes Beowulf an epic tale, while the  differences help to establish a smoother transition and backstory between Beowulf and his fight with the dragon. Similarities between the two include Beowulf’s epic characteristics and his fight with Grendel; while the key differences are Beowulf’s failure to slay Grendel’s Mother and his fight with his own son, the dragon. In the end, the stories effectively conclude the tale of Beowulf and demonstrate how effective both similarities and differences can be at changing ones viewpoint.

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Organic foods and why it is the better option - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 2 Words: 637 Downloads: 8 Date added: 2019/07/30 Category Food Essay Level High school Tags: Organic Food Essay Did you like this example? Organic foods avoid the use of pesticides, GMOs and man-made fertilizer for a healthier product and healthier environment. Farms are getting polluted everyday with the use of fertilizer, which in turn pollutes the water system. Organic foods are a step up throughout our society as it benefits the livestock and our environment, but organic foods might not be as healthy as some believe. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Organic foods and why it is the better option" essay for you Create order In 2009 the FSA (Food Standards Agency) published a report on the benefits of organic and conventional produce. The report concluded that organic foods did not provide any significant health benefits than non-organic foods, but it did have more vitamins, minerals, and omega 3s. In consideration, Organic is a better option because of vitamins, our improved livestock and our agriculture. To begin with, organic foods can provide healthy vitamins and nutrients that you might not find in non-organic foods. Researchers from Stanford University did a decade long study where they concluded that the antioxidant compounds found in organic foods such as flavonoids, and carotenoids can be linked to protecting cells from the effects of aging and damage that can lead to cancer (Citation). Although these studies are being done, there is still not a clear production system in place. Some organic foods will receive less fertilizer, and some wont. The difference is not that big when it comes to non-organic food, although the more fertilizer used can make foods like produce grow larger but in turn dilute the nutrients. Even with all the studies it is hard to differentiate the nutritional quality, especially when you think about what Americans should eat, and what they are consuming. Organic production is also one of many options available for livestock producers. There is a little bit more of a clear system in place when it comes to Organic livestock. For example, any livestock labeled organic must originate from an animal that has already been managed under organic operations. A livestock producer must maintain living conditions that accommodate the natural behavior and health of the animal. In turn, these animals can live out a happier life. Organic livestock producers also must maintain and manage manure, so it does not contribute to the contamination of crops, soil, or water. Records of these practices are kept for five years and must maintain compliance with the organic food protection act (citation). Lastly, there are many benefits to the agriculture of Organic farming. Agricultural interventions aim to produce quality products without the contamination of soil or other pesticides. Soil building practices have become essential to organic producing. The length of time that the soil is exposed to erosive forces is decreased, soil biodiversity is increased, and nutrient losses are reduced, helping to maintain and enhance soil productivity(citation). Water is also affected by the use of pesticides that enter the ground water systems. Conversion to organic practices can result in less pollution overall in the ecosystem. In conclusion, some can argue that it really does not matter if their food is organic or not. With a little more research, we all can be more educated and in turn provide ourselves more nutrients that our bodies may be missing. We can also look at the practices of where our livestock comes from to see if we are getting the best product that we need to give our bodies the best nutrient source possible. and also knowing that the records of these organic livestock practices are kept to see the facts. Our agriculture is also suffering more than ever, and it is best we use better judgement, so we can continue to live with healthy soil in the ground and cleaner water to drink. Organic food does seem like the clearer option, but it all depends on who you are asking and how passionate you are with protecting your body, our livestock, and our agriculture.